Spiced Vegetable Flaked Rice (Poha)

Spiced Vegetable Flaked Rice (Poha)

This dish has always been one of my quick go to snack dishes and one that you can rustle up on a lazy day when you’re running low of vegetables. It’s light is full of flavour and is another one pot wonder dish that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

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Cool off with a tantalising Takra (Ayurvedic Buttermilk)

Cool off with a tantalising Takra (Ayurvedic Buttermilk)

Over the counter probiotics and digestive enzymes are certainly on the rise but I’m not convinced that these are a holistic, balanced or a long term solution. Ayurvedic buttermilk known as takra is a useful refreshing yoghurt-based drink designed to restore a healthy gut microbiome. It was considered to be the divine healer for humans according to (Bhavaprakasha. Ch 6.V.7)

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Spiced Rice Kheer

Spiced Rice Kheer

One of the most common desserts is a very simple preparation of milk and rice, better known as Indian rice pudding. It is a wonderful, nurturing dessert for the winter months but since we are still in winter mode at the moment I am still, at the same time being wholesome and vata-pacifying.

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Detox this Spring with a Mung Bean Soup

Detox this Spring with a Mung Bean Soup

We always turn to soup when we are sick and this is because it provides easy to digest nutrients for the body to heal and replenish. Though there are thousands of delicious soup recipes and all of them hearty and nourishing, the ultimate ‘soup-er’ food in my book is a cleansing mung bean soup. 

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