Shad Rasa - the 6 essentials tastes in Ayurveda

Shad Rasa - the 6 essentials tastes in Ayurveda

When it comes to nutritional balance in Ayurveda, taste plays a key role. We look beyond the functional levels of nutrition and a balanced meal surpasses calorie-counting or balance of fats, carbs and proteins on your plate. Healthy balance in Ayurveda starts with attention to the 6 tastes.

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Ancient traditions of tongue scraping

Ancient traditions of tongue scraping

Tongue Scraping is a vedic ritual I grew up with from the moment I had a full set of teeth and I am so grateful for these old Indian traditions that have become so essential at a time where gut health has never been more important to our wellness. Read more about the benefits of this morning cleansing ritual.

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Shifting Gears for Autumn Health

Shifting Gears for Autumn Health

Vata and the autumn season is ruled by the elements of space and air bringing with it a dominance of the cold, windy and dry qualities. An increase of these qualities in the environment mean that the temperature starts to drop, leaves start to fall and the winds increase, so we need to make adjustments to stay in flow with these changes and prevent ourselves from becoming imbalanced and sick.

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Fasting – A Traditional Ayurvedic Cleansing Ritual

Fasting – A Traditional Ayurvedic Cleansing Ritual

Our body has one of the best built in detoxification systems via our liver, lungs, colon, kidneys and skin. Our only job is to give these organs the support that they need. Spring is a natural time for the body to eliminate toxins. There are many different ways to fast and cleanse the body and since we are all unique we must find a cleansing method that suits our body type. 

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It’s Time to Get Your Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse on

It’s Time to Get Your Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse on

In the spring, physical strength and appetite reduces. A detox and cleanse can be as gentle as adjusting our diet and lifestyle for the season. A successful cleanse is one where you create long-term healthful habits not an unsupported quick and harsh 3 day cleanse. Now that you prepared what you need from the last blog, here is what you can do to gentle physical body cleanse for a 15-30 day period

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