Spiced Rice Kheer

One of the most common desserts is a very simple preparation of milk and rice, better known as Indian rice pudding. It is a wonderful, nurturing dessert for the winter months, at the same time being wholesome and vata-pacifying. This dish is a rejuventating and immune-boosting options supporting the reproductive organs and overall health and wellness. What is great about this recipe is that you can vary the grain, I love quinoa and amaranth as alternatives. I even have this for breakfast sometimes. This recipe serves 3-4.

3 cups whole or semi-skimmed milk
½ cup basmati rice, rinsed and drained
½ tsp cardamom seeds, crushed
2 tbsp almonds, blanched, sliced or chopped
1 tbsp pistachio nuts, skinned and chopped
Pinch saffron, soaked in a little hot milk (optional)
1 tbsp raisins (optional)
3 tbsp jaggery or honey (to taste)
1 tsp ghee to finish


  • Heat the rice, milk and cardamom in a medium pan and bring to the boil, then simmer gently and keep stirring to prevent lumps. Cook until the rice is soft and starting to break, after around 25 minutes.

  • Add saffron and raisins (if using) and simmer for a further 4–5 minutes.

  • If you are using jaggery, add to taste and heat until dissolved. If you are adding honey, add at the time of serving – do not heat it.

  • Remove from the heat and serve while warm. garnish with chopped nuts of choice. Drizzle with ghee to finish and enjoy