Our current allopathic medical system is great for emergencies and acute issues that require immediate assistance. However when it comes to chronic, ongoing ailments the quick fix approach does not allow for a deeper understanding and healing of the root cause of the issue. In my experience clients are just about dome with the approach that just ends up suppressing symptoms an are seeking . Whether you need a full MOT, detox, digestive correction, hormonal balance, need to manage stress or weight, or you simply desire to be the healthiest version of yourself.
That’s where Ayurveda is unique. Through a detailed assessment of your physical, mental, emotional, social and environmental health status we we aim to identify the root cause of the problem and work from there. To do a deep dive into a holistic approach to your health you may want to consider my 3 month coaching programme. Our body is an intelligent ecosystem and we want to optimise our natural functionality (sometimes by undoing damage and habits that we are unaware of).
Ayurvedic Consultations with Geeta
Your initial consultation with me will take a deep dive into your current issues, general health, medical history, diet, lifestyle factors, stress, sleep, exercise, medication and supplements as well as identify your health goals. We want to establish the ‘linking and thinking’ behind your imbalances and how your diet & lifestyle are contributing to your current ailments.
Your appointment will take into consideration all details you share in a pre-consultation form that will be sent to you on confirmation of your appointment.
We will establish your mind-body constitution (Prakruti). Traditional techniques such as pulse, tongue & nail diagnosis and an inquiry into your current symptomatology will be used to understand and diagnose the underlying causes of your current health imbalances (Vikruti) based on the principles of the doshas.
This session will help you to understand more about your gut health as the root of your imbalances and your healing process. You will learn how you can reduce toxic build up (ama), strengthen your digestive fire (agni), determine possible nutrient deficiencies, promote calmness in the mind and boost energy. In some cases, I may suggest further laboratory testing such as scans, blood test etc. Some tests can now be undertaken at home.
We pull it altogether and the advise I give will be a tailored actionable framework to your reach your health intentions and overcome your imbalances. I will suggest changes to your diet and lifestyle to suit your constitution and restore wellbeing. Your ‘lifestyle prescription’ will be aligned to your individual nutritional needs whilst taking into consideration your environment, social and lifestyle demands.
You will be given key action points along with detailed notes on diet and lifestyle advice for your dosha imbalances that you can start to integrate straight away. The advise is designed to support you for at least 6-8 weeks and beyond but you will learn many sustainable rituals and establish healthful habits for a lifetime. You will learn how to flow with the body rather than force changes that feel unnatural.
Consultations can focus on:
- Stress and fatigue
- Compromised immune system
- Hormonal imbalances
- Gastro-intestinal problems (IBS, Crohns, constipation, indigestion, anorexia, acid reflux, leaky gut, SIBO etc.)
- Insomnia and disturbed sleep
- Skin conditions
- Respiratory conditions
- Headaches/migraines
- Pregnancy care or postpartum care
- Personalised detoxification and rejuvenation
- Weight management
- Increasing energy
- Clear focussed mind
- Emotional/spiritual wellbeing & counselling
On-going Health Consultancy Programme
I am happy to mentor you through every step of the way with a more comprehensive programme and I suggest a seasonal check-in to keep you on track throughout the year and stay accountable to your health intentions.
This is my favourite method of working with you, it gives us the opportunity to dig deep into the areas of your health and wellness that need some attention whether that is depression, psoriasis, poor immune function, weight loss or IBS. I will work closely with you in the areas you feel you need guidance with to help you build a strong foundation of mental and physical well-being.
The concept of personalised wellness had been established over 5000 years ago. We all have unique diet and lifestyle needs and it changes with the solar and lunar cycles, the seasons and based on our genetics, epigenetic and where we are right now. There is no quick fix or fad diet but positive lifestyle change for lasting results and ultimate feel-good. Let’s remove the labels (health conditions, status, the type of ‘diet’ we are on) and flow by listening to the signs on our own body. One size does not fit all!
Here I work on the emphasis that we become the energy that we consume. It is important that you plate consists of a balance of tastes of food that is organic, seasonal and local. A balance of whole grains, high-quality proteins, plant-based fats, water and a diverse range of vegetables and fruits.
We focus on conscious eating, how and when you eat is equally important to energetic digestion. Factors outside of what’s on your plate influences how you digest: social, relationships, occupational, movement, environmental and spiritual. If you can’t digest then even the healthiest of foods and all those wonderful super foods will struggle to convert into healthy cell nourishment. What, when and how you eat should be as unique as you are.
Many nutritional experts work with clients with a list of foods to avoid and foods to eat, while this provides clarity we move away from the model of listening to the body. When you feed yourself with real nourishment you will not crave for those things that take you off balance. You will soon come to realise that the short term seemingly painful changes reaps long term benefits including an increase in energy, more immune resilience, stabilised mood, sound sleep, clearer skin, and clearer focus.
This is for you if:
You are not getting results on your own
You are fed up with the pill for an ill approach
You are committed to shifting your wellness in an empowering and sustainable ways
Your are drained from toxic social connections and relationships
You are overwhelmed by work or family stress
You are ready to overcome sabotaging habits and cravings
You want to feel grounded and clear in your body, mind and emotions
Together we will:
Establish your unique Ayurvedic mind-body type and imbalances
Connect the dots between who you are and the healthiest version of yourself
Reconnect with your body’s unique needs
Learn to live in alignment with the seasons and circadian rhythms
Establish your sankalpa (health intentions/sacred vow to self) and work with easy sustainable changes.
Your programme includes:
Discovery call to establish the right fit
1 x In-depth consultation (90 mins)
3 x Follow-up sessions (45 mins)
Seasonal diet/menu plan based on your constitution (package only)
Suggested reading material
Digestive health gift - tongue scraper
Investment of £525 (pre-payment in full or 2 instalments)
9 month expiry from 1st session
Additional follow-up block of 3 (£285)