Say no to sugar cravings!

Say no to sugar cravings!

If you are looking to curb those sugar cravings then shardunika or better known as gurmar leaves or botanically known as gymnema slyvestre. In Ayurveda it is labelled as ‘madhunashini’ - meaning that it is a destroyer of the ‘sweet taste’ and this herb does not waste time getting to work because the moment it touches your tongue you will become insensitive to the sweet taste.

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The Multi Talented Triphala

The Multi Talented Triphala

By far Triphala is one of the most popular herbal compounds going in the Ayurvedic arena. Triphala literally translates as ‘three fruits’ and is the herbal compound made of three essential cleansing but rejuvenating properties so a perfect broad spectrum combination that enhances the homeostasis if the body. For me it’s the kind of herb that just gently puts the spring back in your step. It’s just like the glue that brings everything together in a harmonious way and the perfect choice to support your ‘spring cleanse’.

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Herbal Spotlight  - Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Herbal Spotlight  - Tulsi (Holy Basil)

There are around thirty different varieties of basil and although holy basil is different from the regular basil we are used to eating with our Italian dishes, it can contain some similar properties. It is worth noting however that holy basil also contains great nutritional value, including vitamin C, vitamin A, zinc, iron and calcium.

Called the ‘queen of herbs’, tulsi is considered one of the best herbs for treating colds, coughs and flu, as well as for reducing inflammation and headaches.

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Brain Boosting Brahmi

  Brain Boosting Brahmi

For me Brahmi is a  perfect option for the challenging urban environment and My go to sattvic rejuvenator for the mind (medhya rasayana) since it opens the gateway to our consciousness and something I've been needing as we transition into the summer.

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Spiced Vegetable Flaked Rice (Poha)

Spiced Vegetable Flaked Rice (Poha)

This dish has always been one of my quick go to snack dishes and one that you can rustle up on a lazy day when you’re running low of vegetables. It’s light is full of flavour and is another one pot wonder dish that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

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