Keeping things sweet with jaggery

Keeping things sweet with jaggery

Gur, or jaggery is a natural sweetener with naught taken out and used in most Indian households in many sweet dishes and a little nugget would often be taken as a component in an Indian meal. Some of these ‘benefits’ would include support to iron deficiency and immunity, a digestive aid, especially a vata digestion. Jaggery is also the best choice in preparing rasayana’s (rejuventive tonics) – for example in Kharjuradi Mantha – a tonic used for hangovers

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Creamy Gluten-Free Amaranth Porridge

Creamy Gluten-Free Amaranth Porridge

A very under utilised grain that really should get some limelight since it has so many health benefits when eaten as part of a balanced diet. It is one of the richest sources of protein found in a grain (lysine - an essential amino acid) as well as being gluten-free.

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Spiced Vegetable Flaked Rice (Poha)

Spiced Vegetable Flaked Rice (Poha)

This dish has always been one of my quick go to snack dishes and one that you can rustle up on a lazy day when you’re running low of vegetables. It’s light is full of flavour and is another one pot wonder dish that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

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Balance through qualities and taste not calories

Balance through qualities and taste not calories

I truly believe that we have to look backwards to move forwards. The ancient seers of Ayurveda took a totally different approach to health and nutrition, a much more personalised approach to nutrition that takes the entire person into consideration - the body/dosha type, their mental state, family history, age, season, digestive strength, immunity, energy, health issues and more can bring overall all balance.

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