Treating your Toilet Troubles the Ayurvedic Way

Treating your Toilet Troubles the Ayurvedic Way

Poop … a subject we are embarrassed to talk about despite the fact it’s a natural body habit and that many people struggle with healthy bowel movements. What’s more, so many people don’t even pay attention to what comes out the other end, but it’s your single most obvious indicator to your gut health. If you’ve visited an Ayurvedic Practitioner, you will know that we talk in detail about our elimination since it is one of the cornerstones to maintaining a healthy digestive system and overall wellness.

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Cool off with a tantalising Takra (Ayurvedic Buttermilk)

Cool off with a tantalising Takra (Ayurvedic Buttermilk)

Over the counter probiotics and digestive enzymes are certainly on the rise but I’m not convinced that these are a holistic, balanced or a long term solution. Ayurvedic buttermilk known as takra is a useful refreshing yoghurt-based drink designed to restore a healthy gut microbiome. It was considered to be the divine healer for humans according to (Bhavaprakasha. Ch 6.V.7)

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