Detox this Spring with a Mung Bean Soup

Detox this Spring with a Mung Bean Soup

We always turn to soup when we are sick and this is because it provides easy to digest nutrients for the body to heal and replenish. Though there are thousands of delicious soup recipes and all of them hearty and nourishing, the ultimate ‘soup-er’ food in my book is a cleansing mung bean soup. 

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Pomegranate, one of life’s wonder fruits

Pomegranate, one of life’s wonder fruits

Punica granatum, or commonly known as pomegranates are not only  a delicious juicy fruit, they have numerous health benefits too. Right from its rind and leaves down to its flowers and kernals. Each part of this fruit has a positive effect on our health. Traditionally in the ancient asian culture, they were a sign of fertility, abundance and good luck.

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