What's sabotaging your wellness goals?

What's sabotaging your wellness goals?

Well-being is so much more than what we eat and how much we move. If you are keen to turn a new leaf for your wellbeing with new year health resolutions, fasting or dieting goals, it's essential to set realistic, specific and meaningful goals; develop a concrete plan that can help you stay consistent; seek support; and be adaptable in the face of challenges.

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Autumn days when the grass is jewelled ...

Autumn days when the grass is jewelled ...

We are saying goodbye Pitta season and hello Vata season. We are transitioning from summer to autumn, and as we do this short ‘in between’ period is known as ‘rtu sandhi’ in Ayurveda. Our bodies respond to the atmospheric changes just as the rest of nature does and like our mind and body the seasons are influenced by the doshas.

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What's So Unique About Ayurveda?

What's So Unique About Ayurveda?

Over the last 15 years my journey of Ayurveda has continued to evolve and grow. It’s both my passion and purpose and I feel truly blessed. Ever since I was a child I had been immersed in various diet and lifestyle practices and rituals that, at the time I didn’t know were rooted in Ayurvedic science. Read on for why it’s most profound system of medicine and healing in my eyes.

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Shifting Gears for Autumn Health

Shifting Gears for Autumn Health

Vata and the autumn season is ruled by the elements of space and air bringing with it a dominance of the cold, windy and dry qualities. An increase of these qualities in the environment mean that the temperature starts to drop, leaves start to fall and the winds increase, so we need to make adjustments to stay in flow with these changes and prevent ourselves from becoming imbalanced and sick.

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