Spiced Winter Chia Bowl

Spiced Winter Chia Bowl

This quick breakfast or dessert could not be easier. In winter our bodies need more fuel (that’s more nourishment as opposed to just in an increase in calories. Winter is where our body burns more fuel and we need the right sources to create a healthy inner environment so we can develop strong immunity. Diversity in our foods is key to restoring a healthy gut microbiome.

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Shifting Gears for Autumn Health

Shifting Gears for Autumn Health

Vata and the autumn season is ruled by the elements of space and air bringing with it a dominance of the cold, windy and dry qualities. An increase of these qualities in the environment mean that the temperature starts to drop, leaves start to fall and the winds increase, so we need to make adjustments to stay in flow with these changes and prevent ourselves from becoming imbalanced and sick.

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