Let your skin radiate your inner goddess

Let your skin radiate your inner goddess

Ever see people with radiant skin and wonder what their secret is? We all want our skin to be free from acne, blemishes, dryness and oiliness. Sushruta Samhita, a text dating as far back as 5000 years, mentions various herbs, routines and recipes to maintain one’s ‘beauty’. Excellent! So what’s the formula?

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It’s Time to Get Your Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse on

It’s Time to Get Your Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse on

In the spring, physical strength and appetite reduces. A detox and cleanse can be as gentle as adjusting our diet and lifestyle for the season. A successful cleanse is one where you create long-term healthful habits not an unsupported quick and harsh 3 day cleanse. Now that you prepared what you need from the last blog, here is what you can do to gentle physical body cleanse for a 15-30 day period

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Do you want to get more out of your day?

Do you want to get more out of your day?

Sleep is just as necessary and nourishing for our body, mind and emotions as food and is considered as one of the three pillars of life in Ayurveda.  While our body takes restful sleep, it is quietly working to detoxify, regenerate and rejuvenating each and every cell of the body. In my clinic I consult many individuals that have high stress and anxiety and worries that affect sleep and sometimes it can be chronic insomnia'. Shirodhara is a brilliant treatment for this but there are lots of things you can start with at home.

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