Shifting Gears for Autumn Health

Shifting Gears for Autumn Health

Vata and the autumn season is ruled by the elements of space and air bringing with it a dominance of the cold, windy and dry qualities. An increase of these qualities in the environment mean that the temperature starts to drop, leaves start to fall and the winds increase, so we need to make adjustments to stay in flow with these changes and prevent ourselves from becoming imbalanced and sick.

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Do you want to get more out of your day?

Do you want to get more out of your day?

Sleep is just as necessary and nourishing for our body, mind and emotions as food and is considered as one of the three pillars of life in Ayurveda.  While our body takes restful sleep, it is quietly working to detoxify, regenerate and rejuvenating each and every cell of the body. In my clinic I consult many individuals that have high stress and anxiety and worries that affect sleep and sometimes it can be chronic insomnia'. Shirodhara is a brilliant treatment for this but there are lots of things you can start with at home.

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Combating back pain with Ayurveda

Combating back pain with Ayurveda

From shoulder aches and pains to chronic repetitive strain conditions such as sciatica, back pain has affected many of us through numerous causative factors. Back pain or ‘kati shoola’ as it is known in Ayurveda is a common condition where the one or more dosha becomes imbalanced, and of these, vata (air + space element) would be commonly responsible.

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Awaken the power of your breath

Awaken the power of your breath

When we are born our life starts with it and our life ends with it. What an incredibly powerful function is the breath!

In today’s sedentary and stressful lifestyle, we maintain a relatively shallow and quick breath, using only a fraction of our lung capacity providing just enough of energy supply for the body to function. This way of breathing reduces our vitality, our resistance to diseases and starves our brain of essential oxygen creating tiredness, irritability, disturbed sleep cycles and so on.

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