Ayurvedic Amaranth Bites

Ayurvedic Amaranth Bites

I absolutely love these treats, home-made with popped amaranth and mixed nuts and seed. My secret ingredient is the 100% pure organic cocao chunks and not to mention the tantalising tang from the sour cherries. Loads of coconut and held together with almond butter and date syrup. What’s not to love?

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Time to ‘gut’ healthy

Time to ‘gut’ healthy

Yes we are what we eat, but we are also what we don’t digest. What our body fails to process becomes toxic waste matter that resides in the body and contributes to many of our health issues today. From direct digestive issues such as Chrohn’s, IBS, Colitis, leaky gut, stomach ulcers, bloating and gas, constipation, hyperacidity to more chronic health issues of the skin, bone, respiratory and circulatory systems, all diseases starts in the gut.

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Awaken the power of your breath

Awaken the power of your breath

When we are born our life starts with it and our life ends with it. What an incredibly powerful function is the breath!

In today’s sedentary and stressful lifestyle, we maintain a relatively shallow and quick breath, using only a fraction of our lung capacity providing just enough of energy supply for the body to function. This way of breathing reduces our vitality, our resistance to diseases and starves our brain of essential oxygen creating tiredness, irritability, disturbed sleep cycles and so on.

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