Getting through the winter lockdown

Getting through the winter lockdown

Lockdown 1 caught us off guard but lockdown 2.0 bring it on and let’s do this! Lets keep it simple today and dive in my 10 current tips/reminders to get you through the next 4 weeks and beyond during the winter lockdown. Let’s keep the focus wellness and building inner strength.

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5 ways to manage stress with Ayurveda

5 ways to manage stress with Ayurveda

What is stress? I am sure you would not disagree that stress is undeniably indefinable. One way to understand stress is a psycho-physiological response within the body to some physical, emotional or environmental stimulus.

The Ayurvedic approach to stress and most health concerns is based on an imbalance the energetic properties – the doshas (vata, pitta kapha). Stress is Ayurveda is seen predominantly as a disturbance to our vata dosha, the energy of movement that is formed from the space and air elements.

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Awaken the power of your breath

Awaken the power of your breath

When we are born our life starts with it and our life ends with it. What an incredibly powerful function is the breath!

In today’s sedentary and stressful lifestyle, we maintain a relatively shallow and quick breath, using only a fraction of our lung capacity providing just enough of energy supply for the body to function. This way of breathing reduces our vitality, our resistance to diseases and starves our brain of essential oxygen creating tiredness, irritability, disturbed sleep cycles and so on.

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