Embracing the Ancestral Wisdom of Millets

Embracing the Ancestral Wisdom of Millets

For centuries, these resilient grains have thrived across cultures, bearing diverse names like bajra, ragi, kangni, korra, kutki, and kodra. In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, millets are revered for their harmonising energies and therapeutic qualities, offering a holistic alternative to our overall diet. But the truth is even though they are a gluten-free grain and a good source of dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals, they should be consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet and excessive consumption can create dosha imbalances.

In Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, millets are celebrated for their balancing energies and healing properties. Not all millets are created equal in the eyes of Ayurveda. From pacifying Vata with the grounding qualities of kodo millet to cooling Pitta with the soothing essence of little millet, each grain offers a unique synergy of taste, texture, and nourishment so yet again it is a case of ‘one size does not fit all’.

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Say no to sugar cravings!

Say no to sugar cravings!

If you are looking to curb those sugar cravings then shardunika or better known as gurmar leaves or botanically known as gymnema slyvestre. In Ayurveda it is labelled as ‘madhunashini’ - meaning that it is a destroyer of the ‘sweet taste’ and this herb does not waste time getting to work because the moment it touches your tongue you will become insensitive to the sweet taste.

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Go-To Ginger (zingiber officinale)

Go-To Ginger (zingiber officinale)

Sometimes it’s about the simple spices in life and ginger certainly hits the spot for this time of year. Ginger’s versatility spans across cultures throughout the world and certainly packs in a punch with its health benefits. Sattvic and tridoshic and perfect for the chilly damp atmosphere of winter as it brings sweetness and warmth - what’s not to love?

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Keeping things sweet with jaggery

Keeping things sweet with jaggery

Gur, or jaggery is a natural sweetener with naught taken out and used in most Indian households in many sweet dishes and a little nugget would often be taken as a component in an Indian meal. Some of these ‘benefits’ would include support to iron deficiency and immunity, a digestive aid, especially a vata digestion. Jaggery is also the best choice in preparing rasayana’s (rejuventive tonics) – for example in Kharjuradi Mantha – a tonic used for hangovers

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Summer Cooling Coriander Drink – Dhanyaka Phanta

Summer Cooling Coriander Drink – Dhanyaka Phanta

Dhanyaka Hima (cooling coriander seed drink)

Coriander seed drink is a great over the summertime as it can deeply quench our thirst and support increased pitta conditions and burning sensations. It can reduce excess sweating, hot flashes, abdominal colic due to increased acidity.

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