Herbal Spotlight  - Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Herbal Spotlight  - Tulsi (Holy Basil)

There are around thirty different varieties of basil and although holy basil is different from the regular basil we are used to eating with our Italian dishes, it can contain some similar properties. It is worth noting however that holy basil also contains great nutritional value, including vitamin C, vitamin A, zinc, iron and calcium.

Called the ‘queen of herbs’, tulsi is considered one of the best herbs for treating colds, coughs and flu, as well as for reducing inflammation and headaches.

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Chyawanprash – An Elixir for Winter Health

Chyawanprash – An Elixir for Winter Health

Chyawanprash is herbal jam packed with nothing but rejuvenating goodness to get you not only through the winter but your entire life since its designed to bring longevity and youthfulness. This immune boosting elixir is considered to be a ‘lick-able’ medicine… Yes that’s right! Take that teaspoon out of the nutella jar and dip into this delicious dark chocolate colour jam that’s packed with over 40 different natural and nutritive ingredients

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