Top 10 Ayurvedic winter wellness tips to see us out of 2023

Top 10 Ayurvedic winter wellness tips to see us out of 2023

Embark on a holistic winter wellness journey with these ten personalised Ayurvedic tips. Start your day with warmth through Ayurvedic rituals like tongue scraping and oil pulling, eliminating toxins and setting the tone for a gentle morning. Elevate well-being with regular self-massage using recommended oils, nurturing the skin and enhancing circulation. Hydrate wisely with warm water or herbal teas, aiding digestion and internal warmth. Align your diet with the season, embracing warm, well-cooked meals to pacify the Vata dosha. Infuse herbal teas with ginger and tulsi for internal warmth and immune support. Invigorate body and mind with winter-specific pranayama exercises. Create a cozy sleep space with heavy blankets and warming spices for rejuvenating rest. Combat winter lethargy with gentle exercises like yoga, promoting blood circulation and overall well-being. Embrace aromatherapy with scents like cinnamon for a comforting atmosphere and respiratory support. Dedicate time to mindful rest and reflection, nurturing mental and emotional well-being.

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Benefits of Self Abhyanga (Ayurvedic oil massage)

Benefits of Self Abhyanga (Ayurvedic oil massage)

The sanskrit word sneha translates as ‘oil’, but another very deep and meaningful translation of this word is ‘love’. Self abhyanga (self massage) is a daily rituals that happens as part of our self care regime - It is essentially an act of self-love, self-care and self respect. It balances the doshas and cultivates optimal wellbeing.

It is believed that abhyanga invokes similar sensations to those we feel when one we are immersed in the feelings of love such as warmth, relaxation and safety.

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Getting through the winter lockdown

Getting through the winter lockdown

Lockdown 1 caught us off guard but lockdown 2.0 bring it on and let’s do this! Lets keep it simple today and dive in my 10 current tips/reminders to get you through the next 4 weeks and beyond during the winter lockdown. Let’s keep the focus wellness and building inner strength.

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5 ways to manage stress with Ayurveda

5 ways to manage stress with Ayurveda

What is stress? I am sure you would not disagree that stress is undeniably indefinable. One way to understand stress is a psycho-physiological response within the body to some physical, emotional or environmental stimulus.

The Ayurvedic approach to stress and most health concerns is based on an imbalance the energetic properties – the doshas (vata, pitta kapha). Stress is Ayurveda is seen predominantly as a disturbance to our vata dosha, the energy of movement that is formed from the space and air elements.

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