Brain Boosting Brahmi

  Brain Boosting Brahmi

For me Brahmi is a  perfect option for the challenging urban environment and My go to sattvic rejuvenator for the mind (medhya rasayana) since it opens the gateway to our consciousness and something I've been needing as we transition into the summer.

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Chyawanprash – An Elixir for Winter Health

Chyawanprash – An Elixir for Winter Health

Chyawanprash is herbal jam packed with nothing but rejuvenating goodness to get you not only through the winter but your entire life since its designed to bring longevity and youthfulness. This immune boosting elixir is considered to be a ‘lick-able’ medicine… Yes that’s right! Take that teaspoon out of the nutella jar and dip into this delicious dark chocolate colour jam that’s packed with over 40 different natural and nutritive ingredients

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Neem (azadiracta indica) – The Ayurvedic Friend for Skin Health

Neem (azadiracta indica) – The Ayurvedic Friend for Skin Health

Neem is a fast-growing tree that can reach up to heights of 50 feet, growing in many parts of India and the subcontinent, with the ability to withstand very high temperatures and low rainfall. In Ayurveda it is known as sarva roga nivarini,  translating as ‘the curer of all ailments’, indicating its vast healing benefits. The most commonly used part of the neem tree are its dried leaves which are very bitter in nature.

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Milk – to boil or not to boil

Milk – to boil or not to boil

With so much questioning around the subject of milk, whether it’s good for you, if the alternatives are more digestible, are most people lactose intolerant etc etc. There is no doubt there is confusion. Here is the Ayurvedic perspective. Cows milk is considered to be the best and a complete food, providing unique nutrition with ‘saatvic’ qualities when it is digested properly, nourishing the body tissues, balancing the doshas and promoting emotional balance and ojas (a refined substance providing strength, immunity and contentment). With such nourishing properties why would we want to exclude milk from our diet?

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