The Ayurvedic Perspective of Gastritis

The Ayurvedic Perspective of Gastritis

Gastritis, otherwise known as urdhvaga amlapitta in ayurveda is an inflammatory condition of the mucous membrane and glands of the stomach. Pitta types are more prone to this conditions and it is a vitiation of the pitta dosha where stomach acids such as Hydrochloric acid and other digestive enzymes secreted by the stomach become inflamed and results in the increase of these liquid secretions leading to indigestion and symptoms such as, loss of appetite, nausea, headaches, dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn coated tongue, foul breath, increased salivation, sour belching, irritable bowels.

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New Year, New Ayurvedic Outlook

New Year, New Ayurvedic Outlook

So we are well into the new year and so many of us made a resolution to start a ‘detox’, lose the holiday weight, stop drinking and get back into the gym. How many of us actually last past the first few weeks or even the first few days? So many people fail to complete a detoxifcation cleanse in January as it does not fit in with their lifestyle, they are not mentally prepared and lets face it, there’s still plenty of indulgences lurking in the cupboards. But do not fear all is not doom and gloom, changing diets drastically during the winter months is not conducive to our overall health and according to Ayurveda the ideal time to go through a detoxification programme is in Spring time, so plenty of time to plan and prepare.

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Shake off those bad salts

Shake off those bad salts

Today our diet consists of excess salt intake usually hidden in processed and pre-prepared foods. This excess of usually ‘bad’ salts can lead to health conditions including high blood pressure, water retention, dehydration, premature aging, hair loss, and hamper the taste buds.

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Pomegranate, one of life’s wonder fruits

Pomegranate, one of life’s wonder fruits

Punica granatum, or commonly known as pomegranates are not only  a delicious juicy fruit, they have numerous health benefits too. Right from its rind and leaves down to its flowers and kernals. Each part of this fruit has a positive effect on our health. Traditionally in the ancient asian culture, they were a sign of fertility, abundance and good luck.

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