Combating allergies the Ayurvedic way

Combating allergies the Ayurvedic way

It’s that dreaded time of year for the airborne allergy - Hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis)! Treating hay fever and most conditions through Ayurveda revolves around strengthening our digestive power, clearing out toxins and balancing the doshas and this is the epicentre of any good Ayurvedic seasonal cleanse.

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Nasya treatment to combat ENT issues, seasonal allergies and more

Nasya treatment to combat ENT issues, seasonal allergies and more

Ayurveda believes the nose to be the doorway to the head and is the preferred channel for treating various conditions of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, head and diseases above the chest. For example, headaches, migraines, sinusitis, dizziness, sleep disturbances, nasal polyps, frozen shoulder and many other conditions.

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Ayurveda and the Allergy Season

Ayurveda and the Allergy Season

And so it starts again – an increase in pollens and for so many of you - hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis), with symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes and throat, nasal blockages, difficulty breathing, a heavy head, weakness and fatigue. Get ahead of the game with Ayurvedic rituals, herbs and diet to prevent Hay Fever this summer.

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