Stewed apples


2 apples
1/4- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon


  • A tasty - very light breakfast idea. Peel, core and cut apples into large chunks and add to a small sauce pan

  • Add about 70-100ml water (just enough to cover the bottom of the pan by 1cm) and add the cinnamon

  • Cover Cook on a low to medium heat. It will cook in its own steam for about 7-8 minutes. or until tender.

  • Serve in a bowl.

This is a perfect light Tri-doshic breakfast recipe giving you a satisfying start to the day. Cooking the apples helps them to be less tart and in Ayurveda we always prefer lightly cooked and spiced foods as they are easier to digest. Stewed apples can promote vitality, alertness and encourage regular bowel movements. Vata dominant people can add a drizzle of ghee.

Cinnamon is not only a wonderful sweet spice that has a heating and penetrating quality. It is a perfect spice t Vata and Kapha dominant people and for the digestion of fruits and dairy (obviously not all together. Cinnamon has qualities that can help in conditions of indigestion, colds, pimples, bad breath, toothache, bladder infections, aches and pains, especially in combination with a raw organic honey.