Herbal CCF tea

Herbal teas
Herbal Teas are my favourite part of any cleanse as you can mix and match any of these are you like. Here are some options. You can go as simple as fennel or carom seeds alone or a lemon, ginger and honey (for kapha) or add rose petals and leave out the cumin (for pitta). These spices are an essential in every Indian kitchen and are super versatile in so many dishes.

Traditional CCF tea

CCF tea? Well, simply put it is tea made of cumin, coriander and fennel seeds in equal amounts of each spice. This is an Ayurvedic digestive cleansing elixir that is powerful, yet gentle for all prakruti types to consume on a regular basis. 

This tasty tea is perfect for drinking between meals to flush ama (toxins) from the system, kindle the agni (digestive fire), and reduce digestive disturbances such as gas, bloating, cramping, indigestion hyperacidity and malabsorption, constipation, loose stools or even fluid retention and swelling in the body.  

If you are suffering from a strong pitta imbalance, you can reduce cumin to ½ tsp.

Heath advantages:

  • Increases the digestive fire (without being excessively heating)

  • Promotes the absorption of nutrients

  • Detoxifies the system (integral to any Ayurvedic cleanse)

  • Flushes toxins from the tissues

  • Reduces inflammation, gas and bloating

  • Supports menstrual irregularities and PMS symptoms

  • Relieves urinary tract infections

  • Removes congestion in the lungs

  • Calms the nerves

  • Balancing for all doshas

  • Increases lactation for nursing mothers


1 tsp Cumin seeds
1 tsp Coriander seeds
1 tsp Fennel seeds
1.25 litre of water 


  • Heat the water in a medium size pot and bring to a boil

  • Add in all three cumin, coriander and fennel seed (if you want you can gentle crush the seeds a little in a pestle and mortar)

  • Reduce the heat to a simmer. Cover the pot, leaving only a small crack for the steam.  

  • Simmer on a low heat for at least 6-8 minutes.  

  • The longer you steep, the more potent the tea will be. Adjust to your desired taste/potency

  • Strain the seeds using a fine mesh tea strainer 

  • This should yield about 1 litre of tea that you can drink first thing in the morning and between meals as a digestive cleansing tea.

  • You can store in a hot water flask and sip throughout the day