Ghee Recipe

Ghee Recipe

By clarifying butter, all milk solids are removed. It can be used in cooking in place of butter and oil in cooking as it does not easily burn. Ghee is an extremely versatile as it is the most heat stable and acts as a digestive by aiding absorption and assimilation. It can be used as a base for body massage and is a common base for herbal ointments. The medicinal properties are known to improve with age and has rejuvenating properties.

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Get sprouting

Get sprouting

Sprouting is a great way to optimise the nutritional value of grains, beans and legumes as they contain the energy, enzymes and vitamins needed to transform seeds into strong healthy plants. By the simple method of sprouting, mung beans, adzuki beans, chick peas, fenugreek, red clover, radish, sunflower seeds, rye berries and alfalfa and many grains can be eaten as a tasty addition to a super food salad, stir fry’s, in green juices and can also be lightly sautéed with ghee and spices as a snack.

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