Kitchari (simple & traditional)

The very simple and traditional kitchari recipe does not use vegetables. The simpler the kitchari dish the easier it is on the digestive system and this basic combination is considered to provide us with a complete protein. So if you feel this recipe will keep you satisfied as a meal see how you get on.

This would be considered to give our body sufficient and complete nutrition even if we are doing a gentle fast. It is tridoshic and suitable for all types. It is designed to maintain a strong digestion while our energy can be directed to do deeper cleansing and restoration in other areas of the body.


½ cup mung dahl
¼ cup basmati rice
1 tsp ghee
½ tsp cumin
1/8 tsp asafoetida
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
½ tsp turmeric
½ tsp Himalayan rock salt
Fresh lemon to taste
Fresh coriander leaves to garnish


  • Wash the mung dahl and rice thoroughly. Soak for 30 minutes if you can. Rinse and strain.

  • Heat ghee in a pan, once hot add the cumin, asafoetida and turmeric, sauté for 30 seconds, then stir in the rinsed mung dahl, rice, salt and ginger.

  • Add 3 cups of boiling water and cook on a low heat stirring occasionally – add a little more water as necessary.

  • Cook for about 20-25 minutes until all the lentils are cooked and soft

  • Serve while hot, add a squeeze of lime and coriander or serve with the coriander chutney.