Dress up you salad with a doshic friendly finish

Dress up you salad with a doshic friendly finish

Since it summertime and we all want to eat healthy & enjoy a salad as the main event, but sometimes we can be left feeling bloated and gassy, so salad choices are important as we sometimes find it difficult to digest certain raw foods. Here are a sample of salad dressing recipes to help you spruce up your salads in line with your constitution.

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Kitchari – The Ultimate Ayurvedic Superfood

Kitchari – The Ultimate Ayurvedic Superfood

If I am feeling hungry and wanting something quick, this is one of my favouite staples that I regularly have for lunch or dinner or even both. So I made it for 3 very health conscious friends on Saturday evening and they seemed to really enjoy it. This basic, nutritiously wholesome Ayurvedic recipe is tridoshic and can be can be adapted  to suit all constitutions and tastes.

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