Trāṭaka Meditation

Low energy, digital fatigue, brain fog, disturbed sleep, headaches, stiff neck - what else can we add to the list of the mental exhaustion from the last 2 years?

Meditation is medication and it can take many forms. Over the last month I've been guided to engage once again in the sadhana of trāṭaka. It is one of the simplest practises to help focus this mind. something that we all struggle with from time to time (or all time time for those with a strong vata in their constitution).

Trāṭaka is a meditation technique where the focus of the eyes is towards an object and candle gazing is a familiar practice in yoga and Ayurveda. And Hatha Yoga Pradipika described this ritual as “looking intently with an unwavering gaze at a small point until tears are shed.”

The 'concentration' of this practice through our two eyes on the flame of a candle helps to stimulate the Ajna (3rd eye) chakra - the centre of our intuition and imagination. Gently redirecting and guiding us from illusions to our inner truth.

It is one of the shat karma) (cleansing practices) in hatha yoga that can really help us to

  • Improves concentration, memory, willpower, visualisation skills and cognitive functions.

  • Strengthens eye muscles, improves eyesight

  • Stimulates and purifies the Ajna chakra (third eye chakra) that controls our intuition and consciousness.

  • It makes the eyes stronger, clearer, and brighter and potentially cures eye defects and headaches

  • It also helps with insomnia especially beneficial to overcome sleep deprivation since it is associated with the pineal gland that regulates our biorhythms (sleep/wake times).

  • Stimulates receptivity to visual stimulations and changes in lighting, since the ajna chakra is close to the optical nerves.

  • Reduces nervous tension and balances nervous system.

𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼:

  • Sit comfortably. Place your hands on your knees facing up - you can add a mudra if you know a suitable one for you

  • You can also integrate breath awareness or a mantra if you wish

  • Place a candle in front of you at eye level and at a comfortable distance

  • Start with the eyes closed, then open and gaze intensely at the flame for as long as you can deep in the centre part of the flame without blinking or blurring your vision (your eyes may water a bit)

  • You can close your eyes and then concentrate on the image of the flame in your mind, until the candle flame image disappears

  • Repeat the practice.

  • Best to practice at dawn or dusk in a dark room on an empty stomach

  • Why not try this as part of your new/full moon meditation ritual?

  • Consult your practitioner if you suffer from eye health issues.