Waking up early is the key to health and success

Timing is everything! Brahma Muhurta is the time approximately 1.5 hours before sunrise - so it would vary based on your geographical location and sunrise time (usually between 3:30-5:30)

In the Ashtanga Hridayam Sutrasthana 2:1 is is said that waking up in the Brahma Muhurta can protect our health and longevity and promotes success in all areas of life. 

Brahma Murhurta literally means the ‘creators time’ - So it’s a perfect and auspicious time to rise and engage in our inner work, self care rituals, spiritual practices, creative work, perceive and receive knowledge.

About 7 years ago my body would naturally wake up at this time for months on end. At first it was frustrating and I thought I was having disturbed sleep but this was another layer of my awakening and connection to self. The more I honoured this the more alignment was manifesting.

Want to be the early bird who catches the worm? Be the amongst the first beings to catch the first rays on sun and raise your vibrations, creativity and longevity. Here are more reasons to embrace waking up at this time:

Satvic time

According to Ayurveda scriptures, Brahma Muhurta is dominated by the quality Sattva guna, which promotes purity, balance, and harmony. During this time, the environment and energy is pure and serene and conducive to spiritual practice. Have you every noticed how still the entire plant feels at this time?

Connect to your higher self

It is believed that the veil between the physical and invisible realms is thinner during Brahma Muhurta. This makes it an ideal time for meditation, prayer, chanting and spiritual practices, as it is easier to connect with the divine and experience inner peace and clarity.

Mental agility

Vata dominates this time so balancing and grounding activities naturally create peace and clarity. This mental clarity can set you up for more focus, concentrate, and set positive intentions for the day ahead.

Circadian rhythm

Aligning with the natural circadian rhythm, waking during Brahma Muhurta is considered harmonious with the body's natural cycles, promoting overall health and well-being.

Physical and mental detoxification

It is believed that the body undergoes natural detoxification processes during this time. Waking early and engaging in spiritual practices can support this detoxification and rejuvenation.

Yoga and meditation

Yogic and Ayurvedic texts emphasise the importance of starting the day with asana (physical postures), pranayama (breath control), and meditation during this sacred time.

Positive start to the day

Beginning the day with reflection and gratitude can set a positive, peaceful and mindful tone for the rest of the day, helping to reduce stress and enhance overall emotional resilience.

Will you try this for a week? Or have you experienced this? Let me know how it felt and what you experienced as a result. Everyone needs are different, it is important to not force anything.

Quite often the most successful people have the habit of waking up early. They are usually calm and collected too as they are able to really stretch time as they utilise their most creative time available to us.

Ref: Brahmi Muhurtam Uttishthet Swastho Rakshartham Ayusha: tatra sarvartha shantyartham smareccha madhusudanam. Ashtanga Hridayam Sutrasthana 2:1